
Type in English, Get in Odia

Suggested Word Appear Here!

About our Odia typing:

Our typing tool is entirely FREE, delivering swift and precise results. It makes typing in the Odia language simple, no matter where you are on the Web. Just type an English word and hit the spacebar—the word will instantly convert to Odia. Additionally, related word suggestions in Odia will appear as you press spacebar. If needed, you can click on any of these suggestions to choose the correct word, ensuring a seamless typing experience.

When you type English words in the text area above, they will automatically convert into the closest matching Odia word or script.
For instance: typing "Apanan Kipari Achhanti" will convert to "ଆପଣ କିପରି ଅଛନ୍ତି"
Another example: If you type "apanankar sahajya pain dhanyabad", it will convert to "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ସାହାଯ୍ୟ ପାଇଁ ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ "

Our Odia Typing Tool's Functions:

You don't need to memorize the complex Odia keyboard layout. Just type in English letters, and as soon as you press the spacebar, it will automatically convert them into Odia words.

In addition to fast and accurate Odia typing, we provide several helpful functions to enhance your experience:

  1. Copy Text: After typing, simply copy the Odia text from the textarea with a single click, making it easy to paste elsewhere.

  2. Share Text: You can share your converted Odia text directly through various social platforms like directly share in whatsapp or in twitter etc, ensuring seamless communication in Odia.

  3. Download File: Easily download your typed text as a file with a simple click of the file download button, making it convenient for offline use.

  4. Clear All: Quickly reset the textarea by clicking the 'Clear All' button, allowing you to start fresh without any hassle.

  5. Full Odia Keyboard Help: If you need assistance with typing specific Odia characters, our help option displays a complete Odia keyboard. You can select letters directly from the keyboard, and they will automatically appear in the textbox.

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